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About the Mental Health Team
The mental health team works with clients aged 18 plus who present with eligible care and support needs (Care Act) that include a diagnosis of functional mental health difficulties (other than dementia), or who are eligible for 117 aftercare (Mental Health Act 1983).
It is recognised transitional joint work is also required, working together with children's services to carry out joint assessments, and identifying needs into adult mental health services.
Examples of diagnosis/presenting issues for the mental health team:
- Psychosis - i.e., schizophrenia, schizoaffective, bipolar disorder;
- Non-psychosis i.e., depression, personality disorders, eating disorders;
- Low mood - often only accessing primary mental health services;
- Post-traumatic stress disorder;
- Symptoms relating to trauma;
- Eating disorders - bulimia, anorexia;
- Restricted patients - CTO (Community Treatment Order)-MOJ (Ministry of Justice);
- Symptoms/presentation that suggests a manifestation of their mental health difficulties;
- Complex, challenging behaviours with increased risk profile;
- Self-harm and suicidality.
Last Updated: April 18, 2023