About the Team - ICT
The Integrated Care Team (ICT) attend Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT's) where there is no allocated worker or where there has been no previous adult social care involvement - these will be assigned/reassigned by Adult Social Care Direct (ASCD) to the ICT desktop (ADICT).
Note: If the case is active to a worker in another team the request for the CHC MDT meeting should be sent directly to the allocated worker via Adult Social Care (ASC) (ASC will check the active status of a service user file and send the request to the allocated worker copying the Senior Practitioner/Manager).
The allocated ICT worker will contact the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and request the relevant ICB review documentation prior to attending the CHC MDT. Any adult social care assessments and Care and Support Plans will be sent directly to the ICB prior to the CHC MDT (Process to be agreed and put in place with BS).
To support this work, use the following procedures, all of which can be found in the Specialist and Universal section of tri.x:
- NHS Continuing Healthcare Procedure;
- NHS funded Nursing Care Procedure;
- Joint Packages of Health and Social Care.
Where a service user no longer meets the eligibility for CHC (Always consider shared care with the ICB) the ICT worker will complete a Care Act assessment of need, Care and Support Plan, financial assessment and discuss any change in provider with the service user, their representative or advocate.
The procedures to undertake this work can be found in the relevant sections below.
If after the above, the case needs longer-term case management due to complexity this should be discussed with the Senior Practitioner who will consider the case transfer. The Senior Practitioner will discuss with the Senior Practitioner in the identified team a need for longer-term work. The ICT allocated worker will then complete a case transfer summary and ensure the case file recordings are up to date.
Last Updated: April 18, 2023