Commissioning, Contracting and Brokerage Procedures
This procedure should be used by all adult social care practitioners, with the exception of:
- Practitioners arranging technology enabled care;
- Practitioners arranging minor works;
- Occupational Therapy practitioners arranging equipment or a major adaptation.
It should be used when a Care and Support Plan/Support Plan or urgent/interim support has been signed off.
It will support you to understand and use the range of local processes for arranging services and support, and to work effectively alongside the Adult Commissioning Team.
Although this procedure may be helpful to those people based within the Adult Commissioning Team, it does not provide specific guidance about arranging, monitoring or reviewing contracts, or any other associated actions that may be required. Anyone carrying out such actions should refer to available local processes.
There are many kinds of prevention service available. Some are provided by the Local Authority and some are provided by the community or partner organisations, such as health. All available prevention services in the local area should be explored before transferring a referral for a longer term intervention.
Under section 2 of the Care Act the Local Authority cannot provide intensive or on-going long term interventions until it is satisfied that prevention services having been explored and deemed not suitable.
Urgent Care Team
The Gateshead Urgent Care Team are nurse led, providing urgent care to patients in their own home as well as in nursing and residential care homes.
The Team can respond quickly to calls in order to assess needs, provide treatment and when necessary arrange services to support at home in order to reduce unnecessary visits & admissions to hospital.
Response times range from 30 minutes to four hours depending on assessment.
The Team see patients who are registered with a Gateshead based GP and who live within the Gateshead locality.
Conditions or problems the team can treat include:
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - if you need urgent care for a ‘flare up’;
- Chest infection;
- Breathing difficulties;
- Falls;
- Stomach pains;
- Animal bites;
- Diabetics with a low sugar episode;
- Urine infections;
- Diarrhoea and vomiting;
- Minor injuries e.g. sprains, strains, small wounds;
- Coughs/colds/sore throats.
Tel: 07908 414 673.
Intermediate Care Team
The Intermediate Care Team is a community service which prevents hospital admissions and assists hospital discharges to anyone over the age of 16 registered with a Gateshead GP.
The team also provides out of hours district nursing care after 5pm - 8.30am and palliative care after 1am - 8.30am. The team administers intravenous antibiotics to patients with various medical conditions via cannula and central line.
Tel: 07949 575313.
The Gateshead community nursing teams provide non-urgent, planned care to patients in their own homes, nursing homes and residential homes.
There are five teams, each working in a specific part of Gateshead called a 'locality'. Each team has nursing staff with a variety of skills to provide high-quality, holistic care to all residents across Gateshead.
Teams can provide a wide range of health care including:
- Comprehensive holistic assessments e.g., Emergency Health Care Plans;
- Wound dressings;
- Catheter care;
- Medications;
- Long term condition management;
- Palliative care (planned and unplanned);
- Pressure ulcer prevention.
Locality teams can be contacted 24 hours per day / 7 days per week on the phone numbers below:
Central - 0191 445 5425
East - 0191 283 4762
South - 0191 445 3370
Inner West - 0191 283 4620
West - 0191 283 4548
Supporting Independence Service
Housework |
Laundry |
Spring cleaning |
Errands |
Health and wellbeing |
The service costs £16.55 per hour (prices are correct as of April 2021 and reviewed annually).
Tel: 0191 433 5522.
Happy to Help
Help at home: £15.75 per hour
Outings Assistance: £16.50 PER HOUR
Tel: 0191 478 5919
Hot meal providers
There are a range of hot meal providers in Gateshead. For the latest list and prices speak with Adult Social Care Direct.
Adult Social Care Direct can make a referral to Gateshead Equipment Services (GES). GES can provide a range of disability and assessments to promote independence.
Tel: 0191 433 2344
Neighbourhood Housing Teams
Tel: 0191 433 5353
Older Person’s Team
Tel: 0191 433 5359
Email: olderpersons@gateshead,
Multi-Storey Team
Tel: 0191 433 5414
Tel: 0191 433 3174
Involvement Team
Housing and Independent Living Outreach Service - Practical and emotional support to people aged 16 plus who have support needs which could include housing issues, financial needs, substance misuse, domestic abuse, physical and emotional health, increasing support networks, addressing wider family/children's needs and also assistance to access courses and employment.
Tel: 0191 433 3717
Single Gateway Scheme - Working with support providers to re-house and support vulnerable people in the community who might otherwise be excluded from social housing, for example ex-offenders. This service works very closely with Gateshead Council to ensure a coordinated approach to support and housing.
Tel: 0191 433 2643
Armed Forces Outreach - Advice, support, guidance, and signposting provided on any issue faced by the Armed Forces Community. This includes veterans, those due to leave the forces, serving reservists and family members of these groups. The service exists to assist the Armed Forces Community with issues arising within the civilian community such as housing, finance, education, and employment.
Tel: 0191 433 2612
Housing Options Team - Housing advice including assessing homelessness in order to establish priority need for housing and discuss options that could prevent homelessness.
Tel: 0191 433 3174
Debt Advice Team - Support and assistance with debt issues by assessing income and expenditure and contacting creditors where necessary to set up achievable repayment agreements.
Tel: 0191 433 3174
Further prevention services may also be found in the next section of these procedures, Commissioned Voluntary Services.
No referral is required to access information and advice about a range of matters.
Local Adviceline: 0808 278 7902
Debt advice helpline: 0191 490 4248
Advocacy Services
Referrals can be made using the central number for Age UK Gateshead.
Tel: 0191 477 3559
Hospital to Home
Referrals from community teams, or the QEH Social Work Team should both be sent to sent to
Dementia Links
Referrals are normally made through the dementia registers of each GP surgery. However, community referrals can be sent to an on-duty member of the team or
Information, Advice and Guidance
Information, advice and guidance can be obtained by calling 0191 477 3559.
Friendship Groups
Age UK run several friendship groups. Referrals can be made by way of email or telephone.
Tel: 0191 477 3559.
Age UK staff will give an overview about the groups, including venues, times/dates and cost (if any).
Day opportunities
St Mary’s Community Hall, Pelaw: Monday
Blackhall Mill Community Centre: Tuesday
St Mary’s Community Hall, Pelaw: Wednesday
Barmoor Hub Ryton: Thursday
St Mary’s Community Hall, Pelaw: Thursday
St Mary’s Community Hall, Pelaw: Friday
Birtley Community Centre will now be at St Mary’s Community Hall, Heworth every Friday.
Tel: 0191 477 3559
MHA Communities Gateshead West provide a range of support and services to help people over the age of 55 to lead fulfilled lives and remain active members of their local communities.
Services and support includes:
- Befriending;
- Lunch clubs;
- Assisted shopping;
- Activity and friendship sessions;
- Outings; and
- Escorts to appointments.
Referrals should be made using the Referral Form, the most current version of which can be found in the Commissioning, Contracting and Brokerage section of the Local Resources area. (tri.x link to Local Resources)
Alternatively, professionals wishing to discuss a referral can contact one of the following MHA contacts:
Katherine Nichols, Manager
Tel : 07568 611992
Hannah Rowan, Deputy Manager
Tel: 07568 612108
Counselling Service
This service is for residents aged 16+ with a Gateshead GP.
The service provides brief focal therapy for people with mild-moderate depression/anxiety of a relative/circumstantial nature and of single focus.
There is specific referral criteria and a referral form, both of which can be found in the Commissioning, Contracting and Brokerage section of the Local Resources.
ReVOC (Resilience for Victims of Crime)
This service is for people aged 16 years old or over, who live in Tyne and Wear or Northumberland and have experienced a crime which is affecting their mental health.
Note: Referrals are only accepted from Victims First.
Wellbeing Courses
These are facilitator-led 6-week courses for people aged 16+, with some group activities to help people take better care of themselves and boost their wellbeing.
Referrals can be made by the person needing support, or by a professional with their consent.
Professional referrals must be made using the Wellbeing Referral Form, the current version of which can be downloaded from the Commissioning, Contracting and Brokerage section of the Local Resources.
Peer Led Physical Activity Group
The group introduces people to a range of gentle fun activities which they can participate in regardless of their level of physical fitness. The aim is to give people the confidence to take simple steps that can have a lasting impact on their physical health and mental wellbeing. This group is for people who’d like to become more active, make new friends and reduce isolation.
Referrals can be made via telephone or email by the person needing support, or by a professional with their consent.
Tel: 0191 477 4545
Support Line
Tyneside MIND also provide a support line, available Monday-Friday between 9am and 4pm.
Tel: 0191 477 4545 option 2.
North East Counselling Services (NECS) have been commissioned to provide counselling services for people who have been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic and/or self isolation.
Online referrals can be made by the individual or by a professional on their behalf with consent.
Website: North East Counselling Services.
People can access free mental health checks from Re-Coco Retreat.
Tel: 0191 261 0948
Address: Re-Coco Retreat, Saltwell Park, Gateshead.
The Mental Health Matters Pathways Advice and Information Service offers advice and information to residents of Gateshead who have mental health needs. The service is for anyone over the age of 18 struggling with mental health. A formal diagnosis is not required. No referral is required.
Tel: 0191 490 0579
The Vision and Hearing Support service works with people who are visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing on their journey to independence. They provide support to allow people to live more independently, be less socially isolated and be more confident and empowered.
Tel: 0191 478 5959
The North Regional Association for Sensory Support (NRASS) accept referrals by email, using any of the following:
Based in hospital eye clinics, Eye Clinic Liaison Officers (ECLOs) offer practical and emotional support to people living with a sight condition, their families and carers. The ECLO can provide advice on a range of matters:
- Is their sight affecting their studies or work?
- Is emotional or mental wellbeing affected?
- Are they struggling with reading tasks despite having "current" spectacles?
- Any financial concerns?
Royal Victoria Infirmary ECLO’s
Tel: 0191 282 0221
Sunderland Eye Infirmary ECLO’s
Tel: 0191 5699915
Referrals can be made by phone, email or using the referral form.
Tel: 0191 477 7898
Referral form: Downloadable from Tyneside Women’s Health Website.
The Provider will deliver statutory advocacy services which will include Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA), Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA), including Relevant Person Representative (RPR) and Independent Advocacy under the Care Act (“the Service”).
IMHA Referrals - Access to the IMHA Service can be made by the Service User, the nearest relative, an AHMP (Approved Mental Health Professional) or a representative of the detaining authority.
IMCA Referrals - Referrals to the Service will be made by those relevant staff from both the Council and local health partners. These will include doctors and nurses providing serious medical treatment for people who lack mental capacity relating to a specific decision.
RPR Referrals - Referrals can only be made to the Service via a member of the Council’s Care Management or Safeguarding Adults Teams.
This advocacy is provided by the Carers Federation.
To make a referral complete the referral form. The most current version of this can be found in the Commissioning, Contracting and Brokerage section of the Local Resources.
For more information and to access a selection of downloadable material, see: North East NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy (ICA) website.
Tel: Freephone 0800 802 3000
Address: Room 312 Aidan House, Sunderland Road, Gateshead, NE8 3HU
An individual needing advocacy support can also attend a drop-in Outreach, held every Wednesday afternoon at the above address. Here, they will be able to discuss their situation and make a self-referral if appropriate.
All Generalist domiciliary care services must be arranged through the Assessment Support Team
Workers will ensure a referral is made to the appropriate Providers and will update social care colleagues accordingly. Social Care will be notified if there are any issues accessing a package of care.
If a person has specialist needs that cannot be met by the generalist contract providers, then home care must be arranged via the Pseudo DPS for Accommodation and/or Support Framework. Call-off form; 2021/22 Appendix 7 Support Call-off Template must be completed and forwarded to mailbox.
Residential and nursing care placements are commissioned on a spot contract basis under the Residential and Nursing Home contract.
Residential and nursing care placements must be arranged via Adult Social Care workers or the Hospital Discharge Team and Local Authority rates are set. Additional fees may be applicable and payable direct to the home.
If a person has specific or complex needs the social care worker must provide relevant information in the referral to the provider to ensure they can meet the person’s needs.
Under the Care Act 2014, out-of-borough services can be arranged when:
- There are no appropriate services locally; or
- In the case of a permanent placement, the person with care and support needs has made a request that has been agreed under the Wellbeing principle; or
- The person with care and support needs lacks capacity and an out-of-area placement has been agreed as in their best interests.
It is the policy of Gateshead Council that out-of-borough placements will be made by exception and will be agreed on a specific need of the individual concerned.
For all residential and nursing care placement sourced Out of Borough the Commissioning Team will need to check the following before placement is made:
- Check that Gateshead Council have a contract in place with the provider;
- Check the host Local Authority funding rates;
- Check with the Local Authority regarding any concerns they have with the home;
- Check CQC to confirm the home rating.
Residential and nursing care placements for people with Learning Disability, Mental Health or Physical Disability are commissioned on a spot contract basis under the Residential and Nursing Home contract.
Any placement to Residential and Nursing Care must be in agreement with Commissioning.
Residential and nursing care placements must be arranged via Adult Social Care workers or the Hospital Discharge Team. Currently all rates; excluding The Highlands, are negotiated with the Provider. Rates tend to include a core weekly cost and can include additional fees for any individual 1:1 hours required.
Under the Care Act 2014, out-of-borough services can be arranged when:
- There are no appropriate services locally; or
- In the case of a permanent placement, the person with care and support needs has made a request that has been agreed under the Wellbeing principle; or
- The person with care and support needs lacks capacity and an out-of-area placement has been agreed as in their best interests.
It is the policy of Gateshead Council that out-of-borough placements will be made by exception and will be agreed on a specific need of the individual concerned.
For all residential and nursing care placement sourced Out of Borough the Commissioning Team will need to check the following before placement is made:
- Check that Gateshead Council have a contract in place with the provider;
- Check the host Local Authority funding rates;
- Check with the Local Authority regarding any concerns they have with the home;
- Check CQC to confirm the home rating.
If a service user is allocated rolling respite, they contact the home of choice directly to arrange.
Social Care workers will arrange emergency respite.
For all Out of Borough respite the Commissioning Team will need to check the following before placement is made:
- Check that Gateshead Council have a contract in place with the provider, if not put a contract in place;
- Check the host Local Authority funding rates;
- Check with the Local Authority regarding any concerns they have with the home;
- Check CQC to confirm the home rating.
Social Care workers will arrange emergency respite.
Respite can be accessed at The Highlands and The Grove. Anything additional from other settings would need to be upon discussion with the Proprietor of the care setting.
For all Out of Borough respite the Commissioning Team will need to check the following before placement is made:
- Check that Gateshead Council have a contract in place with the provider, if not put a contract in place;
- Check the host Local Authority funding rates;
- Check with the Local Authority regarding any concerns they have with the home;
- Check CQC to confirm the home rating.
Supported Living is accessed via Social Work Practitioners following a Care Act Assessment.
If the individual requires accommodation with support, then the Social Work Practitioner is to consider the Housing Options available and support with any applications.
If the individual is assessed as having eligible needs under the Care Act and wishes to live in a shared tenancy with other people, then they are presented to the Accommodation and Support group following completion of the My Home Form submitted to Joanne Waters.
Social Work Practitioners will support the individual with any Housing Option Application Forms should the individual want their own tenancy.
The Social Work Practitioner must complete ‘2021/22 Appendix 7 Support Call-off Template’ form and e-mail it to who will place the call-off on the Pseudo DPS Framework for providers who will deliver the package of support.
All new expressions of interest for Extra Care should be made via Gateshead Council website, Contact Adult Social Care. or 0191 4337033
Potential residents are put forward by their Social Care worker for Extra Care if they meet the required criteria following an assessment.
The current Extra Care process can be found in the Commissioning, Contracting and Brokerage section of the Local Resources.
Supported Accommodation can be accessed for a client via completion of referral from a Social Work Practitioner.
If this is required, then Social Work Practitioners will be required to complete the Housing Portal Referral form and emailed to
The current Portal Referral Form can be downloaded from the Commissioning, Contracting and Brokerage section of the Local Resources.
Keyring take direct referrals and can work anywhere across Gateshead and are aware there are gaps in provision in the West and are looking at building staffing in this area. All contact goes through Catriona Huck at and referral form is to be completed.
The current Keyring Referral Form can be downloaded from the Commissioning, Contracting and Brokerage section of the Local Resources.
There is an established KeyRing Living Support Network based around the Leam Lane area and can work with people on a one-to-one basis.
Bids are done through the NEPO portal however the provider would prefer to meet someone first in order for the provider and service user to decide whether KeyRing are the right people to work with them. You can also check out the website.
Age UK - Dementia Day centre:
Referrals received directly from Adult social care after assessment:
Tel: 0191 477 3559
Age UK - Day opportunities/Social Opportunities:
By way of email or telephone. Staff will give an overview of the service, including costs, transport etc. Client information is taken and added to the waiting list or straight into the service, vacancies permitting. Client referral/risk assessment form can be completed upon request, follow up’s re: Referrals to be done by a staff member to ensure we have updated information. Self, family, and professional referrals are taken.
Emma Hall:
Days out/bingo/refreshments etc. Monday’s 2.00 - 3.30.
Contact Pat Richardson
Tel: 07917 686658.
Crawcrook, Ryton, NE40 4UQ.
Rowlands Gill and District:
Day Centre Tuesdays, will be open from September call Helen Eglon
Tel: 01207 542060.
Strathmore Rd, Rowlands Gill, NE39 1JB.
Stargate and Crookhill:
Luncheon club Stargate Ln, Crookhill, Ryton, Tyne & wear, NE40 3DX.
St Mary’s Centre:
Luncheon Club will operate on Tuesdays however not open yet but referrals to group call Jean Robson Tel: 0191 4884444.
Church Chare, Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE16 4SH.
Winlaton Community Centre:
Luncheon club North St, Winlaton, Blaydon, NE21 6BY.
Teams and Bensham:
Day Services.
Bernie Gill Tel: 0191 490 0945.
Holy Rosary Parish House, Northumberland Street, Teams, Gateshead, NE8 2PQ.
This service focuses on empowering carers to be stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life, claiming their rights, realising their potential, achieving their goals, staying healthy mentally, physically, and financially.
Carers can make a self-referral or referrals can be made by organisations with their consent.
Tel: 0191 4900 121
There is also a referral form and Live Chat facility on the website.
Website: Gateshead Carers.
This service provides short breaks for adult carers. Services can be for a few hours, a whole day, overnight or longer. Carer Support Workers can provide a service in the home or take the person being supported out into the community. The service is not restricted by age, health condition or personal circumstances.
Tel: 01207 549780
The Provider will receive referrals from the Adult Carers Service where care and support have been identified for someone over the age of 18 via the completion of a Carers’ Assessment or Young Carers’ Needs Assessment.
Carers Trust Tyne and Wear will accept referrals from a number of sources including, but not limited to, young carers and their families, health and social care professionals, voluntary organisations, educational representatives within schools and colleges and employers.
The referrals are all completed using a form on Carers Trust website. This automatically goes through to the Young Carer Assessor who gets in touch with the families directly. People can contact by phone but will be directed to the website.
Website: Carers Trust Tyne and Wear.
The Newcastle Gateshead Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team is a team of experienced mental health staff, which includes nurses, social workers, psychiatrists, and pharmacy staff. They offer assessment and home treatment for people over 16 experiencing a mental health crisis, as an alternative to hospital admission.
The team operates across Newcastle and Gateshead 24 hours a day 7 days a week. However, the crisis team does not provide an ’emergency’ service such as a 999 response.
The telephone number for the team is 0191 814 8899 or freephone 0800 652 2863.
The Gateshead Community Specialist Palliative Care Service provides advice and support for people whose illness cannot be cured and may need more specialist help.
Advice and support provided by the service includes:
- The assessment and management of difficult symptoms;
- Help and support with emotional/ psychological and spiritual distress;
- Advice on social and practical issues;
- Information about treatment and care.
Specialist Palliative Care services include:
- Specialist Nursing Service - hospital, community and care homes (Monday-Friday);
- Domiciliary / Community Visits (Consultant) as required;
- Out of Hours Palliative Care Nursing Service (daily from 5pm-1am).
The Specialist Palliative Care Nurses work from:
Blaydon Primary Care Centre
Shibdon Road
NE21 5NW
Tel: 0191 2834586
The Out of Hours Palliative Care Nursing Service work from:
Bensham Hospital
Tel: 01914971472
Last Updated: October 7, 2024