Minor Works
Minor works are those provided through the Minor Works portal. They include things like grab rails.
Minor works and low level equipment can be arranged by:
- Occupational Therapists (in the local authority or NHS)
- OT assistants (in the local authority or NHS)
- Social work assistants;
- Housing colleagues.
This guidance is for local authority OT’s and OT assistants and social work assistants working with adults.
An assessment of need must first be completed to determine the works are appropriate and proportionate.
A list of minor works that can be arranged can be found on the Minor Work portal.
Practitioners must create an account to use the Minor Works portal.
The portal should be used in line with local processes.
Once arranged, practitioners should make a record on the person’s case file.
In line with the requirements of the Care Act 2014, there is no charge for minor works. As such, no financial assessment should be requested.
However, to help manage adult social care budgets if the person lives in housing association accommodation, practitioners should first ask the relevant landlord to complete the works.
Practitioners are responsible for determining any need to monitor or review the effectiveness of the minor works at meeting need or managing risk.
Review and monitoring activity should take place as agreed and a record made.
When no review or monitoring activity is required the case can be closed.
Gateshead council looks to recycle equipment whenever it is safe and possible to do so.
The person (or their family) should contact the organisation that arranged the minor works, who will decide whether or not recycling is a possibility.
If the works were arranged by adult social care the duty OT is best placed to make this decision. If recycling is possible, they should make the necessary arrangements.
If recycling is not possible, the person can remove and dispose of it themselves or leave it in situ.
Last Updated: April 18, 2023